I didn't think I would ever say those words. Delaney and Cam never took a binky. I actually tried to get Cam to take a binky, thinking it would cut down on the amount of time he spent screaming.
Maybe I should still be trying.
Anyway, Pax started out not liking the binky much at all. In the first 2 weeks of his life, he could take it or leave it.
Then he was hospitalized for the first time. The binky (at the time it was the trusty green hospital soothie) was a savior. The doctors took him off feedings, IV nutrition was his only source of hydration. The binky and little cups of sweet-ease were his new friends.
After that, the binky was ever present.
The bink has seen us through sleepless nights at home and in the hospital, through IV's and blood draws, through surgical procedures and recovery rooms, and has kept him oral through tube feeds.
Pax has his bink plugged into his little mouth about 90% of the day, only popping it out for something more favorable, like Cam's hot wheels cars, or a different binky. The kid cannot seem to pass up an abandoned bink, he has a compulsive need to switch them.
The binky quiets him when he's mad, and soothes him to sleep. What more could you ask for?
This blog is to you, silicone Nuk pacifier. Thanks for the peace and quiet!
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